Tuesday 3 November 2015

Pastel Workshop

This workshop introduces you to the wonderful medium of pastels. We explore both soft pastels and oil pastels and create pictures based on a range of themes. You will learn how to depict form, blend colours and use a range of mark-making techniques such as scumbling, smudging and cross-hatching. By the end of the course you will have created a collection of finished pastel picture to frame and hang on your wall!

Here are some examples of work by students from my pastel workshops.

Acrylic Painting Courses

This course enables you to gain confidence in using acrylic paints. I will lead you through to create a finished painting you can be proud of.

Below are some examples of students work from the Acrylic painting courses.

Watercolour Painting

Watercolours are a wonderfully versatile painting medium capable of creating stunning results. I have been using watercolours regularly since the 1990's and continue to explore their unique qualities. I am available to teach you to use watercolours effectively within a single two hour session or teach you a series of lessons to help you become more competent. The lessons can cover any particular theme you are interested in and will help you gain confidence in colour mixing and application using a range of brush techniques.

Below are some examples of watercolour paintings created by students I have taught.

Observational Drawing Course

Observational drawing is a vital skill for all visual artists. This course will enable you to gain confidence in drawing what you see using pencil, ink pens and charcoal. You will learn how to use a variety of mark-making techniques to create shape, form and texture in your drawings. General themes include natural and manufactured forms although I can teach you to draw whatever you may be interested in. By the end of the course you will be able to apply your drawing skills to a wide variety of subject matter to create striking images you will be proud of.

Course Outline:
Pencil grades and mark-making
Drawing shapes
Drawing forms
Creating tone
Creating texture
Selecting a theme to work on. (this could include wildlife, cityscapes, boats, still life, portraits and figures)
Creating a drawing of your choice.

Below are some examples are drawings from my students who attend my observational drawing workshops.